<built-in method title of str object at 0x100f60030> - 블루티쳐학원 영어학원 구리시 인창동 수능 내신 영어

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임희재 230219::021804 720

I think if there would not exist North Korea, the world would be more peaceful. Are there any ways to do so?

There is no easy answer to this question, as the situation is complex and involves many political, social, and historical factors. However, many experts believe that a peaceful and gradual reunification of North and South Korea would be the best solution. This would involve a long-term diplomatic process, where the two Koreas would engage in negotiations and take steps to build trust and reduce tensions. In addition, it would require the support of other countries in the region, such as the United States, China, and Japan. Ultimately, the key to achieving a peaceful resolution is to engage in patient and persistent diplomacy, and to be willing to make compromises and work towards a shared vision of the future.

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